You may have security cameras, alarms, and fences… but in the back of your mind, you still wonder if your home is truly secure when you’re asleep or away… this is for you.

It’s way too easy for a bad actor to get into your home… and you know it… and that is a deeply disturbing reality you have lived with far too long.

Maybe you’ve bought and installed camera systems.

Maybe you’ve installed an alarm system (maybe you’re still paying for that subscription).

Maybe you’ve installed a fence, started locking your cars, and installed motion-activated lights?

But deep down, you know that none of those can actually prevent an intruder from just walking right up to your home with a crowbar or axe and making their way inside in seconds.

It’s not like you’ve been slacking – this is an industry-wide problem for home security.

What you’ve been missing is the cohesive plan to secure your entire home and property based on professional-grade security principles commonly found in higher-cost private and diplomatic settings.

You’ve not been procrastinating or in denial (although nobody wants to dwell on their haunting worries) – it’s just that until now, you’ve not had access to a complete and detailed plan to keep everyone you care about safe.

Trusting in chance and wishing the odds away won’t protect your home – you know that.

There’s a home invasion every 14 seconds in the United States… they’re coming – it’s just a matter of time.

Why wouldn’t your home won’t be targeted?

HomeFortis gives you the projects to improve your odds and repel intruders, whether you’re at home or away, awake or asleep.

We can show you how to use professional-grade “target hardening” and “crime prevention through environmental design” (CPTED) to create passive resistance to intruders throughout your home and property.

Everything you’ve tried up to this point has helped some… you’re trying to do the right things.

Maybe you own a gun or a dog and think those reduce your risk (according to the FBI, it doesn’t).

But you know that everything you’ve done still can’t stop a criminal from breaking into your home.

Here’s what you’re missing: the overall strategy that can help you solve every home security concern you have.

At HomeFortis, we have families just like you – and so do your fellow HomeFortis members around the world.

We have personally experienced the deep, unsettling feelings of violation and vulnerability after a home invasion or burglary.

A young single mom told us she has never lied to her young son… they live alone, and every night he tells her he’s worried about someone breaking into their home. What can she tell him? Before becoming a HomeFortis member… she told us she could only share his concern. After upgrading her home based on our recommendations… she says she can now look him in the eye and reassure him in all honesty that they will both be safe as they sleep at night.

The emotional aftermath of a home invasion can last for months, and negatively impact our ability to thrive with our social circles, at school, and at work. Our homes should be the safest place we know – where we can truly let down our guard.

It’s worth taking action today to protect everything you love the most.

Here’s your next home security upgrade plan:

    1. Download our free ebook to learn about Target Hardening and CPTED for home security
    2. Start your free trial of HomeFortis – you’ll get instant access (no credit card required)
    3. During your free trial, follow our detailed recommendations to upgrade your exterior doors and windows, and create your lock up routine

That’s it!

With those three simple steps…

…you will know far more about how to secure your home – but even better, you will have taken the steps to make your home a safer place – whether you are home or away, awake or asleep.

Next, because you care about your friends and neighbors… talk to them about target hardening and how they can better protect everything they care about the most.

For far too long, the world of professional security has close guarded their techniques, practices, and principles.

It’s time to bring those secrets to our communities and social circles – you can be the one to champion that message and help others sleep safer at night.

Our free ebook explains how you can better protect your home with target hardening and crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED).

We start with an introduction and overview of target hardening for home security, then provide you with specific examples of how you can use the principles of target hardening and CPTED around your home and properties to reduce the risks of home invasion, burglary, vandalism, and other crimes.

Plus, you also get a free two-week introductory membership to HomeFortis Entry Access, and periodic emails regarding home security (you can easily unsubscribe at any time).

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By providing your email address, you agree to our HomeFortis Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.

What is Target Hardening?

Our free ebook explains how you can better protect your home with target hardening and crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED).

We start with an introduction and overview of target hardening for home security, then provide you with specific examples of how you can use the principles of target hardening and CPTED around your home and properties to reduce the risks of home invasion, burglary, vandalism, and other crimes.

Plus, you also get a free two-week introductory membership to HomeFortis Entry Access, and periodic emails regarding home security (you can easily unsubscribe at any time).

* indicates required

By providing your email address, you agree to our HomeFortis Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.

Target Hardening

HomeFortis provides comprehensive security recommendations, based on criminal data science, to address vulnerabilites from your outer perimeter to the rooms inside your home.

Simple Upgrades

It’s easy to implement target hardening in many areas around your home, to impose passive resistance to an intruder.

Criminal data science shows that if an intruder cannot gain access to your home in under two minutes, they are likely to leave and find an easier target.

HomeFortis offers straightforward security recommendations to secure your residence – whether you are home or away.

Security Guides

HomeFortis offers detailed Security Guides that explain common home security vulnerabilities, and offer specific recommendations for Target Hardening and CPTED, to help you reinforce, upgrade, or implement stronger measures – so that your home will passively resist intrusion, day or night, whether you are at home or away.

Passive Security

We believe that true residential security is not just about surveillance or monitoring, but living in a home and surrounding landscape that passively and inherently discourages unwanted observation, intrusion, and criminal activities.

Safe at Home

HomeFortis believes our communities need to feel safe at home, so we can live, play, sleep, work, and entertain friends in peace and safety.

We prefer prevention instead of confrontation, and thoughtful preparation instead of panic or fear.

Comfortable Lifestyle

We empower you to transform your home with simple upgrades, into a safer, more comfortable space where you can fully let down your guard and be yourself.