About HomeFortis
Our journey continues as our business expands, with a singular passion: to protect the innocent.
In addition to our private contract services, we provide a body of how-to information to the general public, empowering people to secure their own homes in order to reduce residential crime rates, prevent home invasions, and avoid violent encounters.
HomeFortis donates 10% of all profits to domestic violence and combat-related mental health programs. For a lot of us, safety is an integral part of our lives, supporting our ongoing health and healing. It allows us to unwind and relax and feel comfortable and normal again in a world that may otherwise seem unsafe. At HomeFortis, we make that security possible, and practical, with step by step guides for comprehensive residential security. Our objective is to help you fortify your surroundings so that you can relax, unwind, and entertain, knowing you are safe in your own home.

10,000 Safer Homes Campaign
In 2024, HomeFortis launched an online campaign to help secure ten thousand private homes around the world by equipping homeowners with information, recommendations, and resources to make DIY upgrades to their own homes.
Our Entry Access membership always starts with two weeks of no cost access, addresses the most common security vulnerabilities, and makes home security upgrades accessible to everyone regardless of economic status.
Who do you know that you’d like to recommend for free access?