Guide to Secure your Windows

Windows play a major part in our continued connection with the world outside our home, even while we enjoy the comforts inside our home.

However, windows are also the second most common entry point for burglars.

Keep in mind that when HomeFortis recommends security upgrades, we are not suggesting a shift towards a sequestered, withdrawn, or fearful lifestyle. To the contrary, our objective is to improve your lifestyle, eliminate your concerns, and help you feel safer and more comfortable.

Securing your windows should not prevent you from enjoying that connection in any way – rather, it will allow you the option of securing your home whenever you choose: at night while you sleep, during times of elevated risk such as nearby police activity, or natural disasters, or civil unrest.

Properly secured windows can passively resist, slow, and deter home intruders.

Front doors, first-floor windows, and back doors are intruders most favored entry points, accounting for 34%, 23%, and 22% of all burglaries respectively.

Second-floor windows were the least common form of entry for burglars, with only 2% of home break-ins occurring this way.

23% of burglars entered a home through a first-floor window. Ground floor windows are often easy to reach and break into, and many times they are habitually left unlocked – burglars enter without resistance. If locked, they use simple tools, such as crowbars and screwdrivers, to force windows open. Unobscured windows can also provide burglars with a clear view of the inside of your home, making it easier for burglars to identify targets and to plan their break-ins.

The average thief needs less than twelve minutes to burglarize a home.

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Create a Lockup Routine

Assure yourself and your family that you can move from an open carefree home, to a fully secured home, in a matter of seconds. All it takes is a little preparation.

Secure your Garage
