Guide to Secure your Exterior Doors

Most exterior doors have weak and shallow locks and hardware, which is why it is the entry point for nearly half of all home invasions. We expose 16 security vulnerabilities you need to inspect, and recommend 22 upgrades and improvements to ensure your locked doors resist intruders.

Guide to Create your Home Security Lockup Routine

In 41.7% of all residential burglaries, the home intruder did not need to use force at all to make entry into their target home. We provide you with step by step instructions to create a lockup routine you can follow every night, or any time there is police activity or a security concern in your neighborhood, so you can know that you are safe at home.

How to Prepare a Safe Room in your Home

38% of all assaults occur during a home invasion; 9% of burglary assault victims suffer a serious injury. We walk you through the steps to prepare a highly secured and well equipped Safe Room in your home, where you can quickly retreat and shelter in place safely until help arrives.

Guide to Secure your Garage

One of every ten home invasions begins with entry through a garage. We point out 6 specific security vulnerabilities in a standard garage, followed by 12 specific recommendations to address those vulnerabilities and prevent unauthorized access.

Guide to Upgrade your Landscaping for Better Security

We apply the principles of CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) to show you how to adjust your current landscaping and add or modify additional elements to prevent unwanted observation and passively resist intrusion. Includes 18 landscaping-specific security vulnerabilities and recommendations.

Preventing Vandalism

Data science shows that vandalism not only signals the presence of crime, but if left as-is, it also invites additional crimes in a neighborhood. We provide 7 concerns and recommendations to address this unwelcome activity.

Guide to Evaluate your Outdoor Signage, Indicators, and Signals

41% of convicted burglars admitted that their crime was opportunistic, meaning they selected their target based on what they saw from the street in passing. Many homeowners signal high-value assets in plain sight, or make identity theft or specific demographic targeting far too easy. We offer 10 vulnerabilities and 11 recommendations to reduce what is communicated publicly about your home, residents, and assets.

Guide to Security Camera System Feature Comparisons

In all of human history, no camera has ever stopped a crowbar. However, 83% of convicted burglars stated they looked for security cameras before a break-in. Having a camera or two is rarely enough to secure a residence – having the right cameras for the situation will put your mind at ease. .

Guide to Lighting for Security Cameras

Inadequate illumination, backlighting, sun angles, and false positives often render imaging useless. Ensure your investment in camera systems is maximized as you review our 23 recommendations specific to security camera lighting.

Home Automation for Residential Security

60% of burglars stated that lights turned on inside the home would make them think twice about attempting to break in. Smart home technology can improve your home security by preventing criminals from determining whether your home is occupied.

Home Security Alarm System Inspection Checklist

21% of burglars stated they were confident they could disarm a security alarm. We outline 15 points to inspect an existing system to ensure full operation.

Guide to Secure your Windows

23% of burglars enter their target home through a ground-floor window. We point out 9 specific vulnerabilities and 18 recommended security improvements to help you sleep safer at night.

Guide to Secure Your Protected Assets

The most common focus areas for burglars are the primary bedroom (jewelry, cash, guns), primary bedroom closet (safes, designer clothing and accessories), primary bathroom (prescription drugs), the kitchen (liquor), the living room (electronics), and the garage (tools and sports equipment). In this Guide, we address 10 specific security vulnerabilities for sensitive assets, offering 17 suggestions to prevent their theft.

Guide to Secure your Fences and Gates

Fence design matters… to reduce the risk of burglary, some areas around a property should be concealed, and other areas left visible. We address 10 security vulnerabilities related to gates and fences, and provide 7 recommendations to ensure your property is well protected.

Guide to Secure your Driveway and Vehicles

Highly portable theft-assist devices have made it easier than ever for theives to unlock, start, steal, or simply rob vehicles. We suggest 10 security vulnerabilities that must be considered, and 11 recommendations to prevent theives from accessing your vehicles and their contents.

Guide to Secure your Outbuildings, Tiny Homes, and ADUs

Sheds, outbuildings, and other structures on your property pose unique and documented security risks, and should be secured with the same diligence as the primary residence. We present 9 security concerns and 13 improvements to secure these areas of your property.

Guide to Evaluate your Exterior Security Lighting

More than 1 in 4 home invasions occur in the dark of night – however, interviews with convicted burglars indicate that a well-lit residence with obvious security measures would send them looking for an easier target. We list over 26 security vulnerabilities and recommendations to improve the exterior lighting around your home.

Guide to Securing Your Home's Perimeter and Surroundings

About half of burglars live within two miles of the homes they invade. We offer specific suggestions on how to assess and consider the areas surrounding your home, and the perimeter of your property, including 14 vulnerabilities and recommendations to inform your home security choices.

Guide to Security Camera Placement

Only 13.6% of burglars are apprehended, because of a lack of evidence to identify and convict them. Our 37 considerations and recommendations for security camera placement can vastly improve the chances of identifying suspects and recovering stolen assets.

Guide to Common Security Camera Issues

The most common issues with security cameras are also the easiest to remedy. This is the perfect place to start if you want to ensure you understand the basics of effective security camera deployments.

Guide to Choosing an Alarm System

60% of convicted burglars state they specifically target homes with no alarm system – the same number reported they would leave immediately if a security alarm was triggered. Follow our five-stage plan to evaluate your residence and select the best alarm system that fits your needs and budget.

Top Five Alarm System Mistakes

After experiencing a burglary, 49% of homeowners change their locks, 41% install or activate their security alarm, and 38% install security cameras. Let’s get in front of that event – you can increase your home security by ensuring your alarm is ready and easy to use any time.